A cost-analysis studies show that if more mothers breastfed their children to us, more and more lives would be saved medical expenses. Fox 40 is Kadlub Jessica spoke with a local mother, so not only helps to calm the child to live a healthier life dedicated, but the lives of hundreds of other children. Meeting 10 and a half months old Stanleyhe Tyler loves to golf, playing with his mother, Karen, of course, drink and milk. "It just seems like for so many benefits, advantages,tyler, benefits for me, it's cheaper, it is convenient. "Said Stanley. Karen is part of the 12 percent of mothers in America who continue to breastfeed their babies after 6 months, but it was not always easy. According to Stanley," You know the first 6 weeks of breastfeeding are were a little 'complicated, but when we shut down our pace, it's wonderful, and now knows what it means milk. "A recent study in the Journal of Pediatrics found that if 90 percent of mothers were breastfeeding, as Stanley continuesfor at least a year and a half, would have saved the lives of nearly 900 children, along with $ 13 billion in healthcare costs. Lactation see Laura Walker says that breastfeeding is a public health problem is not a question of lifestyle. "It 's like smoking or anything else that comes to parents," says Walker, "or our people on how to be healthy, you know, when it comes to heart disease and movement and all these things, is the' breastfeeding properly with it in the same category. "Walker ...
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