Thursday, October 20, 2011

Menstrual Cycles And Ovarian Cysts

!9# Menstrual Cycles And Ovarian Cysts

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In the post-menopausal group, I would say 50 percent of those are going to have a cancer risk associated with the cyst, and certainly as one gets older than 50, that increase goes markedly up. Certainly if a 75-year-old woman came in with any type of cyst, that should be looked into aggressively. So the problem in management really is when you have a prepubital girl who comes in and has a documented large cyst, you're going to operate. The post-menopausal woman is going to be followed very aggressively and most likely, she's going to be operated on. The key in management is, the challenge is, well how do you manage the reproductive age group? Which is the majority of where these cysts show up and we'll talk about here, that in a minute.

But I want to say something about the size of cysts. And a cyst depends on your definition. We've already said that a cyst is a fluid filled sac, but how big is it? Clearly it's any size, but most likely a cyst is going to be visible if it's about a centimeter. What is considered as a cyst that bears watching is usually something at three centimeters or greater. And if you have a cyst six centimeters, which is for the non-metric group, sometimes I have to check myself, the, it's about a little over two-and-a-third inches. If a woman presents with a cyst that's two-and-a-third inches, that bears definite watching and rather aggressive management. Indiana University trained Obstetrician Gynecologist, Christopher Freville suggests that certainly very large cysts have the necessity for more aggressive, aggressive management.

When you we have a woman with a cyst who has let's say something less than ten centimeters, it's just noticed. Unless we have substantial pain with that, and again that's one of the criteria we're looking at the age of the woman, we're looking at the size of the cyst and we're looking at the symptoms. Obviously if the woman's in excruciating pain, and we've got a documented cyst, well that bears investigating quickly, perhaps surgery, active imaging because it could be a complicated, complication of the cyst, which we'll talk about. If the cyst in most cases is say less than ten centimeters, and there are no severe symptoms pain associated with it, then most of these can be watched for a period of one to three menstrual cycles, so up to 90 days, come back periodically, have another exam and see if these resolve. Because most of them are going to be the functional cysts, the cyst associated with the period that we talked about in the first category.

Does that mean that you're monitoring them over two or three menstrual cycles that they could well reduce in size after that time?

Absolutely, many of these will go away spontaneously. But as part of the management process, it depends on what is the goal of the reproductive age patient. Again, we've already eliminated the children, they're going to be, they're going to have surgery, most likely. We've already - because there's no reason for a child under the age of 12 to have a cyst, we've already said that the woman over 50, if she has a cyst, say a six centimeter cyst and she's stopped her periods, we could watch her one or two cycles but most likely, it's not going to be a leftover renegade cyst, if it persists more than that, and she needs to have further testing beyond the ultrasound. She needs to have a surgery to actually go in a small incision can be made above the pubic bone a laparotomy and to remove it.

Menstrual Cycles And Ovarian Cysts

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

What is adenomyosis?

!9# What is adenomyosis?

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Adenomyosis is a common disease that is often performed only as an incidental finding during an evaluation of pathology seen after hysterectomy.

The condition is best understood if you have a basic understanding of uterine anatomy. When the uterine muscle refers to the anatomic uterine lining. The uterine lining every month or menstrual disorders is to throw something in menstruation due to cyclic hormonal changes during the uterine muscles remain intact.

WithAdenomyosis of the well-defined anatomical separation between the endometrium and myometrium is maintained, but there are crypts of endometrial tissue that develops in the myometrium wall.

The amount of adenomyosis determine the severity of symptoms (such as cramps and bleeding). The condition of the pelvic examination, a soft, the uterus as a result of the turn in solid muscle with the endometrial tissue of the uterus. It's a physical realization that is not diagnostic, butconsistent with adenomyosis.

He used to be that adenomyosis had a diagnosis of exclusion and still is in some cases. Now, he described the development of high studies (MRI, etc.) and knowledge hysterosopic assessment, the condition can often be defined before surgery.

The definitive diagnosis is to see the pathological changes in the cross sections of the uterine endometrial tissue sample took crypts are growing in the uterus wall.

Adenomyosis is privately run, on the basis of symptoms, you can go through hormonal or endometrial ablation studies (if fertility is a problem).

I hope this information helps you understand adenomyosis. It is not based fatal disease and so the management can access the entire clinical picture.

If fertility is not a factor of endometrial ablation by various techniques (resection, etc.) can not be effective. Personally, I have this first step, if takenyou want to try conservative. If ablation is not successful then either repeat ablation or hysterectomy is the option to consider. It may ultimately reduce the risk of repeated surgery, including anesthesia, etc. weighed against the definitive treatment of hysterectomy.

Ablation can actually lead to more seizures, as can be scars endometrial crypts. There is also a small risk of endometrial cancer, the underlying host. SoScreening of endometrial tissue was during his preoperative evaluation will be conducted.

I hope this information is helpful and again I have to say that it is intended to be educational and not as a suggestion of a cure, treatment or preventive measure, as of crucial importance for the entire history of a patient to make decisions Administration I know is, are interpreted.

What is adenomyosis?

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